October Digest 2023
Dear Dahlia Friends,
Happy October! Please read below for a note from our President, and information about upcoming events.
If you'd like to be featured in future issues of the Digest please email me at digest@dahliasocietyofohio.org.
A Note From Our President
Hi All!
I’m sure you’ve been enjoying your dahlia gardens over the past couple of months and while fall is my favorite season, it’s also the time when I need to start thinking about digging and storing my tubers.
The DSO will be having a workshop for anyone who wants to learn how to do this (see details below) and it’s a great way to be hands on and get some tips on things to do as you prepare to pull your dahlias for the season.
On November 17th at 7:00 pm, we’ll be having our monthly meeting in person at the Moreland Hills Community Center where we’ll have a speaker on African violets and then some end of the year conversation.
Lastly, our holiday luncheon is going to be on December 9th location TBD but it will be a great chance to connect with your DSO friends before the winter.
Tuber Digging/Separating Workshop
Ron Miner leading the tuber digging workshop
Unsure how to dig and store your tubers? We can help! Ron Miner and Jess Becker will be offering a weekend of learning how to take care of your tubers at the end of the season.
We’ll be meeting at Ron’s house in Chagrin Falls on October 21st at 10:00 am and Jessica’s in Cleveland Heights on October 22nd at 1:00 pm.
Please be sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing.
If you have questions, please email president@dahliasocietyofohio.org.
Holiday Luncheon
We know it’s early but we’d like to get an idea of a head count so we can make a reservation at a local restaurant.
We’re going to have the luncheon on December 9th at 12:00 - location to be announced.
Questions, please email Elizabeth at secretary@dahliasocietyofohio.org.
Volunteers for 2024
The DSO is looking for volunteers for 2024 to help with the New Member promotion as well as looking for someone to help plan events/find speakers for the year.
If you’re interested in helping, please email Jess at president@dahliasocietyofohio.org.