Executive Committee
Jessica Becker - President
Jessica is the new president starting January 2023. She has been growing dahlias for four years and is also on the ADS board and heads the ADS cut flower committee.
Pat Sadataki - Vice President and Show Co-Chair Summit Mall
Pat lives in Richfield and has been growing dahlias since 2012. She is the meeting refreshment chair and will co-chair the Summit Mall show in 2023.
Misty Eckart - Treasurer
Misty’s garden has expanded from 5 plants in 2018 to over 400 plants now. She joined the DSO in 2023 and is so grateful for all she has learned from the members over the past year and expects the garden to continue to expand now that she is among this group of exceptional growers!
Jerry Moreno - Show Coordinator, Past President
Jerry has served as the president of the Dahlia Society of Ohio for 15 years. Ron Miner introduced him to growing the dahlia 30 years ago. Typical of growers he started with 5 cultivars that quickly increased to about 50 filling the capacity of his garden space. He is so very thankful for the many and wonderful friends he has met and worked with since joining DSO in 1990.
Email Jerry
Nancy Riopelle - Membership
Nancy has been Membership Chair for three years and has been growing dahlias for ten years.
Show Committee
Ron Miner - Judging Co-Chair and Geauga Fair Co-Chair
Ron, a long-time dahlia grower and hybridizer with many ADS registered blooms to his credit, is our Judging Chair and also co-chairs the Geauga Fair show. Ron (left) is pictured with his son Jeff.
Randy Foith - Judging Co-Chair
Jerry Moreno - Judging Co-Chair
Mike Weber - Show Co-Chair Cuyahoga Fair
Bob Wenning - Show Co-Chair Cuyahoga Fair
Tammy May - Show Co-Chair Summit Mall
Tammy May has been growing Dahlias for two years and has been a DSO member since 2021.
Pat Sadataki - Show Co-Chair Summit MallNew List Item
Tom Sopczak - Show Co-Chair Geauga Fair
Pat Spicuzza - Show Co-Chair Pettiti's
Pat resides in Chagrin Falls and has been a 5 year grower of dahlias. His personal dahlia highlight so far is winning the top honor at the 2021 Geauga County Fair!
Rob Swaney - Show Co-Chair Petitti's
Sharon Swaney - Show Reporter
Sharon is a second generation dahlia grower and, with her husband, has been growing dahlias for over 40 years. She has been part of DSO (and doing the website) for nearly 20 years. She particularly enjoys doing arrangements.
Tuber/Plant Sales
Mike Weber - Propagation Coordinator, Plant Sale Coordinator
Mike is a three time past president. He has grown dahlias for over 35 years.
Milli Morrison - Tuber sale
Milli lives in Ashtabula County and has grown dahlias for four years. She joined the DSO in 2022 and has enjoyed learning from other dahlia enthusiasts!
Communications Committee
Chris Bryant - ADS Rep
Barbara Hosta - Librarian/Archivist, Holden F&G Representative
Barbara has been Librarian/Archives since 2011 and Affiliate Club Representative since 2014. Previous duties were editor of newsletter and Vice President 2006-2009.
Sharon Swaney - Webmaster
Meg Witten - Digest Editor
Meg lives in Cleveland Heights and has been growing dahlias for two years. She loves being a member of the Dahlia Society of Ohio!
Email Meg
Milli Morrison - Social Media
Milli lives in Ashtabula County and has grown dahlias for four years. She joined the DSO in 2022 and has enjoyed learning from other dahlia enthusiasts!
Membership Committee
Membership Chair
Veronica Seman - New Member Coordinator
Veronica lives in Wellington and has been growing dahlias for six years. This is her first year serving as New Member Coordinator and is looking forward to continuing to learn how to help her blooms thrive. She is excited to have about 100 different varieties this year!
Events Committee
Jessica Becker - Events Coordinator
MaryAnn Moreno - Sunshine