2023 Photo Contest Winners

1st Place Portrait - Misty Eckart

2nd Place Portrait - Bob Leonelli

2nd Place Portrait - Todd Imhoff

1st Place Dahlia with People/Critters - Kristy Foster

2nd Place Dahlias with People/Critters - Anne Ball

2nd Place Dahlias with People/Critters - Elisabeth Peters

2nd Place Dahlias with People/Critters - Kristy Foster
2nd Place Dahlias with People/Critters - Nanci Samek

2nd Place Dahlias with People/Critters - Nancy Kwitkowski

2nd Place Dahlias with People/Critters - Tom Wenzel

1 st Place Macro - Merrie Stein

2nd Place Macro - Tammy Wharton

3rd Place Macro - Jess Becker

2nd Place Gardens and Show - Misty Eckart

2nd Place Gardens and Shows - Todd Imhoff

Grand Prize and 1st Place Digital Darkroom - Jessica Becker

2nd Place Digital Darkroom - Beth Pennington

1st Place Gardens and Shows - Tracy Gardner

3rd Place Digital Darkroom - Vicki Wert
Portrait Gallery Entries

Beth Pennington - Captain's Collection

Beth Pennington - Mai Tai

Beth Pennington-Make A Wish

Todd Imhoff - Clearview Carol Marie

Todd Imhoff - Woodland's Wildthing - 2nd Place

Todd Imhoff - Cleearview Edie

Jay Scott - KA's Khalessi

Jerry Moreno - Little Miss Judy

Misty Eckart - 1st Place

Misty Eckart

Misty Eckart

Tammy Wharton - Clearview Debbie

Tammy Wharton - Hart's Bonnie

Tammy Wharton - Red Labyrinth

Jess Backer - At the Druckenbrod's

Jess Becker - AC Twisp

Jess Becker - National-Show Seedling

Tom Wenzel - Yes, I'm Wearing My Name Tag

Tracy Garner - Hollyhill Purple-ator

Bob Leonelli - AC Petalicious - 2nd Place

Pat Spicuzza

Bob Leonelli - Weston Spanish Dancer

Bob Leonelli - AC Angie

Pat Spicuzza - Kelgai Anne

Pat Spicuzza

Tom Wenzel - On Fire

Meg Witten
Kristy Foster

Cathy Pavia - Kitchen Dahlias

Kathy Pavia - Auburn Woods Dahlias

Ron Miner - The Bride's Bouquet

Meg Whitten

Meg Whitten
Ron Miner - First Bloom!
Ron Miner - The Groom's Bouttonneire

Lori Chiarappa - Valley Porcupine

Anne Ball

Anne Ball
Dahlias with People Entries

Nancy Kwitkowski - My Gems - 2nd Place

Beth Pennington - All the Beauties

Beth Pennington - Garden Nemesis
Nanci Samek - Grammie's Li'l Helper - 2nd Place
Nanci Samek - Summer's Bounty
Jess Becker - Bee Love

Jess Becker - Bees Dreams

Jess Becker - Becker Garden

Elisabeth Peters - Wedding Bells - 2nd Place

Elisabeth Peters - Gator's Garden

Tracy Gardner - Bumble on Bumble

Tracy Gardner - Color Coordinated

Bob Leonelli - Happy Landing

Tom Wenzel - We Are Just Meant to Bee Together - 2nd Place

Tom Wenzel - We All Get Our Own

Bob Leonell - Head Table for Mike

Lori Chiarappa - All BEE Mine

Kristy Foster - Dahlia Madness with the Mantis!

Kristy Foster - Donald and Daisy - 1st Place

Emily Samek

Anne Ball- 2nd Place
Macro Entries

Paul Daniels - Decorative Dahlia

Paul Daniels - Breakout Beginning to Bloom

Paul Daniels - Thomas Edison

Vicki Wert - Carmen Alexandra

Vicki Wert - Clearview Jonas

Beth Pennington - Brand Spankin' New

Tammy Wharton - A Fine Edge - 2nd Place

Tammy Wharton - Seedling

Tammy Wharton - Strawberry Ice

Misty Eckart

Misty Eckart

Misty Eckart

Beth Pennington - Jowey Winnie

Beth Pennington - Waiting Patiently

Jess Becker - Seedling

Jess Becker - Cafe

Jess Becker - AC Twisp - 3rd Place

Tom Wenzel - Look at Me

Tracy Gardner

Merrie Stein - 1st Place

Bob Leonelli - Dahlia Curl

Bob Leonelli - Pollinator

Bob Leonelli - Mars Special

Elisabeth Peters - First Bloom

Cathy Papvia - Heavenly

Cathy Pavia - Yellows and Purples

Lori Chiarappa - Pink is Queen Today

Lori Chiarappa -Sunburst Delight

Lori Chiarappa - Yellow who invited you?
Gardens and Shows Entries

Todd Imhoff - Loaded - 2nd Place

Misty Eckart - 2nd Place

Jess Becker - Chris and Quinn
Jess Backer - Cut Flower Display

Jess Becker - Max

Tracy Gardner - Cynthia in Dahlialand - 1st Place

Bob Leonelli - So Many Blooms

Bob Leonelli - My First Ribbon
Ron Miner - As Far As The Eye Can See
Ron Miner - Cuyahoga 2023
Ron Miner - Delicious Petalicious
Digital Darkroom Entries

Vicki Wert - Back of the Dahlia-Third Prize

Beth Pennington - Cafe

Beth Pennington - Tiny Drops - Second Prize

Jessica Becker - Dance with a Bee - First Prize, Grand Prize

Jessica Becker - Dahlia Delight

Jessica Becker- Flatlay

Bob Leonelli - Eclipse of Show-n-Tell

Bob Leonelli - Stretching for the Sun

Bob Leonelli - Beautiful from Behind

Anne Ball - Flight of the Bumblebee