DSO members will enter pictures in the various categories.
Entries will be added to the “galleries” for all to see.
DSO members will review the galleries and choose their winner in each category.
DSO Members will vote using the 4 digit ID assigned (in the gallery) to each picture.
All pictures must be dahlia dominant.
Except for Digital Darkroom, only minor camera/computer editing allowed.
DSO MEMBERS ONLY may enter up to three pictures for each category. This is an amateur contest - no professional photographers.
File size limit 10 MG. File Type: jpeg.
Name each picture file with this format: yourfirstname-yourlastname-category-titleforpicture. Email your entries (with pictures attached) to: photos@dahliasocietyofohio.org between November 1- November 10 (6 pm).
Be sure to include your name (as used for membership) in the body of your email.
Check the DSO website (a few days after your email) to make sure your pictures are on the photo entries (gallery) pages. Contact webmaster@dahliasocietyofohio.org if you do not see your picture(s) by Nov 10.
Portrait – picture of a single dahlia, multi-bloom arrangement, basket, or bouquet.
Dahlias with People or Critters – Critters (animals, insects, fish, amphibians…).
Macro - close up of flowers.
Gardens and Shows – pictures of a dahlia garden or from a show (but not including pictures of show entries, enter those pictures in Portraits).
Digital Darkroom – Digitally enhance your pictures anyway you want.
Will be open November 11, 12:01 am through November 15, 6:00 pm for members only. See the voting page (available under 2023 Photo Contest above) for instructions.